What Is A Good Internet Speed?

The different connections and the types of cables (copper, fiber, wireless) carry data at different speeds. Therefore, a good download speed depends on which connections you have at home. What is good internet speed? A good internet speed is essential because the speed of your internet connection lets you do more online. This also means […]
Difference Between Using Ethernet And WiFi

No, doubt, the entire world is growing with the wireless technologies. There are number of technologies providing the convenience to stay connected to the Internet from anywhere. Therefore, WiFi is the primary choice for everyone, who wants to connect online and want to be online. The development of so many IoT applications means that we […]
How to get an accurate internet speed test?

Many of us are quite familiar with popular internet speed testing services. You may have seen some of these sites before, such as Speedtest.net. These speed test apps or websites allow you to test your upload and download bandwidth, which provides you with some insights regarding the quality of your connection to the Internet. How […]
What does a speed test measure?

When you are testing your broadband’s functionality, speed is a significant factor because it is connected with reliability. You cannot trust such slow connections to keep you and your family members’ safe online without interruption. However, what makes a good broadband connection? How the things like ping, megabits, and jitter reveal about the complete quality […]
Why my internet is so slow

The internet is an import part in our daily activities. Therefore, a slow internet speed creates frustrations for many of us. In this article, we will describe a few possibilities why your internet speed is slow and how you can fix the issues. 1. Router and modem If you observe a dramatic drop in speed […]
Why people complain about the inaccuracy of their speed test apps

When you doubt the accuracy of Internet speed test, things to keep in mind include background music services, downloading links via web based browsers, updating your windows, and surfing Netflix on another room on mobile or TV. Don’t forget the smartphones as well. Mostly the smartphones connect automatically to the available wireless network whenever it […]